Are you feeling stuck in big emotions you are unable to fully release? Do you see a correlation between the trauma you endured a long time ago and the complex emotions you now experience?
Work with me to uncover the root cause of these feelings — initiating change at deeper levels and finding your way to a happier, healthier life.
Here’s what I can help you with:
Clearing doubts and lack of confidence to make space for achieving your desired goals
Using simple targeted exercises to tackle emotions, like fear and worry, that hamper our normal joyful experience of life
Reframing past memories and the trauma stories to create new empowering ones
Recognising and investigating recurring body related issues, like weight gain, binge eating, poor diet, skin problems relating to gut health, and working on the root cause
Working on addiction and replacing destructive behaviour with healthier options
Releasing the mind from a perfectionist tendency and creating an environment of self honour, peace, and safety
Resolution of marital conflict and relationship challenges through deep listening and working on reciprocity and alignment
Isolating and working with the real cause of weight gain and restoring health and wellness
Our one-on-one coaching sessions will take place online. Send me a message at +91 9630010412 to book a free introductory session.
Why I do this work
I have been here. Despite all the inner work I did to deal with my loss, I found myself unable to really move forward. Emotional bonds demand presence when they are born from a place of need, from a place of fear and separation anxiety. I could not pay attention to my business as a Life Coach and was ready to close down my business.
Early grief is largely this — crashing again and again into a reality that can't be real. Seeing the movie of your life shift reels with no warning; forced to watch a story play out against a screen that can barely hold it in. I felt hopelessly stuck in a vortex of grief unable to process my thoughts with any positive outcome.
I made a bold decision to get help. I found a great mentor and the lessons I began to learn were each powerful healing experiences. I began to see that nothing I was going through was a mere coincidence. Whatever I wanted to heal demanded presence. Everything was completely aligned to me and that healing was possible only in the NOW.
Here are some steps I followed:
I got busy counting my blessings, I switched my energy state from lack and limitations to abundance and manifestation.
I unlocked my mind from the repetitive cycle of looking for what’s wrong to celebrate my blessings .
This powerful way of reframing thinking and speaking has shifted my life. I began to take my own wellness goals seriously easing into a doable routine prioritising consistent effort.
This uplifted my mood, making me emotionally stable, grounding my thoughts in hope,opening doors within my spirit, and taking me on a journey of healing and restoration. My attitude changed to one of growth and I found it easy to flow with my new found purpose to value the good happening in my life.
Coaching played a major role in helping me find where I was stuck, processing and clearing the emotional baggage, memories, events, trauma, phobias; even eliminated all the chaos I had been carrying within, for years. These carefully designed science-backed interventions worked on me even when I didn't really know what was wrong!
I found my way out of the muck one day at a time. I now utilise this powerhouse of intention and integrity combining it with other modalities to help those struggling with perfectionism, binge eating, people pleasing, crippling anxiety assisting them as they move through challenging their fears and through deep pain to a peaceful, heart opening space of safety.